The Organization's
The NGOs for Fisheries Reform (NFR) has been in existence since 1994. True to its mandate, the NFR has focused on fisheries policy reform and advocacy at the national and local levels. It has been instrumental in the passage of the Philippine Fisheries Code of 1998 or Republic Act 8550. In 2014, along with other networks, the NFR lobbied for a new Fisheries Code and eventual passage of R.A. 10654, which amended the previous Fisheries Code. In 2015, the NFR engaged the formulation of the implementing rules and regulations of R.A. 10654 as one of the members that represent the NGOs in the Technical Working Group that was formed by the Department of Agriculture – Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources.
The NFR was instrumental in the issuance of the controversial administrative order that seeks to delineate municipal waters, the Department Administrative Order no. 17 (DAO 17). In 2012, the NFR lobbied for the issuance of the Joint Administrative Order 01 that created a Task Force Fisherfolk Settlement that eventually led to the formulation of a comprehensive program called the Fisherfolk Shelter for Stewards Program (FSSP) and the draft guideline for Section 108, now Section 142 of R.A. 10654. The FSSP was implemented in 14 coastal cities and municipalities in Yolanda-affected communities. Through its member organizations, the NFR assisted in the social preparation of beneficiaries of FSSP in the Municipality of Guiuan in Eastern Samar and the Municipalities of Sta. Fe, Madridejos and Bantayan in Northern Cebu. NFR likewise facilitated the formation of Tacloban Fisherfolk Urban Association and the City Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Management Council (CFARMC) in Tacloban during the Post-Haiyan rehabilitation and recovery. Seeing the implication of no build zones policy among fishing communities, the NFR influenced the issuance of the Joint Memorandum Circular 01 series of 2014, that provided guideline for the adoption of safe zones, unsafe zones and no dwelling zones. The JMC 01 series of 2014 highlighted the use of hazard maps in land use and development planning, which NFR used to ensure that critical facilities such as boat docking, seaweed and fish drying sites are recognized and protected.
In addition, the NFR is instrumental in the issuance of revised Fisheries Administrative Order 197- that provided guideline for the cancellation of Fishpond Lease Agreements. In relation to this, the NFR lobbied strongly for the reversion of abandoned, undeveloped and underutilized fishponds to mangroves.
NFR is registered as a non-stock, non-profit organization under the Securities and Exchange Commission since 2005.
NFR continuously engages the government through active participation in platforms such as the Philippine Council for Agriculture and Fisheries (PCAF) Committee on Fisheries and Aquaculture as well as Committee on Climate Change.

Connecting NGOs
with similar advocacies
for over 34 Years
We envision empowered and resilient coastal communities with a policy environment that guarantees the utilization, management and development of coastal resources and marine ecosystems in a manner that is sustainable, gender responsive, equitable and fair for all.
We catalyze critical discussion and action toward creating a policy environment conducive to fisherfolk empowerment as well as sustainable and equitable coastal resources and marine ecosystems through policy research and advocacy, promotion of best practices and partnerships with local and international organizations and network
NFR is composed of non-government organizations united for the basic purpose of initiating and implementing coordinated campaigns, projects and activities in support of the small fisherfolks’ interest and concerns. Its member organizations on their own also initiate and implement various programs and projects for the empowerment of fisherfolk communities, implementation of Community-Based Coastal Resources Management and promotion of sustainable development.
Builds capacities and facilitates empowerment of the municipal fisherfolk to effectively engage in the Philippine Fisheries Industry’s policy development and programming. It advocates for the preferential use right over the municipal waters of men and women fishers.
Will conduct itself with high moral standards, values and principles in undertaking network programs, projects and activities.
Recognizes and promotes the important role and contribution of women fishers in CRM, fisheries development and management and advocates for gender responsive fisheries policies and programs at different levels.
Recognizes and respects the presence of all diverse groups in an organization or society, acknowledges and values their socio-cultural differences, and encourages and enables their continued contribution within an inclusive cultural context which empowers all within the organization or society.
Promotes political, economic, social, cultural, and environmental equity and justice
Openness to public inquiry and takes responsibility for any position it takes and decisions made.
Adheres to science- and traditional knowledge-based protocols and evidence-based research and policies on coastal resource and fisheries management
Ensures that municipal fishers and vulnerable groups within the fisheries sector are provided space for participation in fisheries development and management, from local to national and regional, whenever possible
Shows care and compassion for each other and the natural environment